Secure Transportation Services
- Reliance Transports Officers are conducted by Upper Management, Former Highly Trained Military and Off Duty Police Officers.
- All transports are performed in unmarked vehicles.
- Our Transporters undergo extensive background checks and are individually vetted and trained to understand and protect the confidentiality and privacy of all our clients.
- Weapons carried by the Transporter are as follows: Primary weapon Semiautomatic Rifle and Secondary Weapon Semi-Automatic Weapon.
- All Transports will wear Level III and up Body armor (Ceramic or Steal Plates).

- Armed Escort means RTO engaged in Cash, Medical Cannabis and other valuables items.
- Transporter Officer means an authorized Agent of Reliance Security Services, who transports Cash, Medical Cannabis and other valuables.
- Cash means checks, currency, coin, credit/debit card recordings, bank notes, bullion, traveler’s checks, registered checks and money orders.
- Medical Cannabis means authorized Cultivation Centers.
- Valuables means items such as: Jewelry and or anything that’s valuable to a client.

RTO will manage the risks associated with handling and transporting cash and or Medical Cannabis by following a systematic process of:
- Identifying hazards – find out what could cause harm when handling or transporting cash and or Medical Cannabis.
- Assessing risks if necessary – understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the hazard, how serious the harm could be and the probability of it happening.
- Controlling risks – implement the most effective control measures that are reasonably practicable in the circumstances, and reviewing control measures to ensure they are working as planned.